
Trans affirming practice – what is it?

APA Guidelines for Practice with Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming People

The 16 guidelines provide an overview of theoretical concepts involved in working with trans people, one of which is “trans-affirming care”. In the APA guidelines it is written that, “Given the strong evidence for the positive influence of affirmative care, psychologists are encouraged to facilitate access to and provide trans-affirmative care to TGNC people. Whether through the provision of assessment and psychotherapy, or through assisting clients to access hormone therapy or surgery, psychologists may play a critical role in empowering and validating TGNC adults’ and adolescents’ experiences and increasing TGNC people’s positive life outcomes”. Note: TGNC stands for Trans Gender and Gender Non-Conforming people.

Initial Clinical Guidelines for Co-Occurring Autism Spectrum Disorder and Gender Dysphoria or Incongruence in Adolescents

This guide provides an overview of the current process for transition in Nova Scotia. Navigating Trans & Gender-diverse Health Care

The Trans PULSE Project (Ontario) was a community-based research (CBR) project that investigated the impact of social exclusion and discrimination on the health of trans people in Ontario, Canada. Data were collected in 2009 – 2010.

Trans PULSE Project (Canada). Health and health care access for trans and non-binary people in Canada. Health and health care access for trans and non-binary people in Canada. Published March 3, 2020. “Results highlight that despite high levels of education and access to primary health care providers, participants faced under-employment and unmet healthcare needs.”

Anti-conversion therapy act. Bill No. 16 of the Nova Scotia Legislature. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Protection Act

Application form for gender affirming surgery

The application process currently requires clients to be assessed using the WPATH Standards of Care. “The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH)I is an international, multidisciplinary, professional association whose mission is to promote evidence-based care, education, research, advocacy, public policy, and respect in transsexual and transgender health.” World Professional Health Association Standards of Care, Version 7

Training in the WPATH standards of care is offered locally by the IWK once/year in April at their Trans Health Symposium.

Clinical Supervision Groups and Networks

IWK TransHealth supervision group. A monthly conference call supervised by Psychiatrist Dr. Sue Zinck.

PrideHealth clinical consultation group. A monthly conference call supervised by Clinical Psychologist Francoise Susset.

Acknowledgement: These resources were compiled in conjunction with Erica Lundberg, Registered Psychologist.